Dominic Vautier 1/7/2012
This is a nice little song with a colorful cover. I don't know much about Crawford but the lyricist Andrew B. Sterling was well respected on Tin Pan Alley and worked with many of the top music composers of his time, most notably, Harry Von Tilzer.
Early in their respective careers Von Tilzer and Sterling were sharing a boarding house room on East 15th Street and were, as usual, several weeks behind on the rent and needed some cash fast. When the boarding house manager slipped a notice under the door, Andy grabbed the rent bill and began to write lyrics on the back that would later become words for My Old New Hampshire Home, a song about Dewey's victory at Manila Bay. They got $10 for the song, enough for the rent. The song then became a huge success and launched both men on a lifelong oddesy.
Andrew Sterling continued to write song lyrics for many years.