Fr. Mario Mich

Lawyers should never marry other lawyers. This is called "inbreeding," from which comes idiot children and more lawyers.

Adam's Rib

D Vautier

I liked Fr. Mario Mich.  His buoyant and bubbly nature was contagious.  Often times he would organize a softball game among the more athletically challenged brothers and would have a great time of it.  His spirit was unlimited.

Fr. Mich did not possess the profound intellectual depth of a Fr. Stegman, or the mathematical genius of a Dom Deblase or the philosophical genius of the all-wise-all-knowing Frs. Ochio or Klauder, or the language skill of a vibrant Fr. Vince Zullianni but he was so great with us in his own way.  He worked hard as a teacher trying to make the best of things and they always assigned him the absolute worse classes to teach like sociality.  In my freshman year in 1961-62, Fr. Mich taught us European History after 1500 (groan).  I honestly think that teaching a phone book would be more exciting.  Who really gives a rat's ass about The War of Spanish Succession, or Henry I or Charles I, or the byzantine machinations of the Hapsburgs, the Bourbons, and all the other worthless activity that went on those many meaningless years in Europe.

But the bright spot to his class and forever remaining in my mind was defenestration, the act of throwing somebody out the window and Fr. Mich was so good at dramatizing that.  May he rest in total peace and may his spirit always live on.