Gloria in Excelsis Deo

           by Dominic Vautier

I absolutely love the lilting quality of this Gloria from the De Angelis Mass.  I have listened to it and sung it so many times in my life that it's sort of built in.




Glory to the most high God and may there be peace to decent and honorable people.

We praise you. We bless you.



We adore you and we glorify you.

We give you much thanks because of your great glory.


Lord God, king of heaven.


God all powerful Father


and your only child Jesus Christ.


Lord God, lamb of God, son of the Father

Who removes the sins of the world

Have mercy on us.

Who removes the sins of the world

accept our request.

Who sits at the right hand of the father

have mercy on us

Because you alone are the good guy 

You alone the greatest, Jesus Christ.

Along with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. 



I absolutely love the lilting quality of this gregorian Gloria from the De Angelis Mass.