O'Rouark Picture Gallery

Here are some pictures from the O'Rouark side of my family.  Allegra O'rouark was my mom. 

The O'Rouarks

James Edward O'Rouark was born in 1865 in Au Train, MI and moved with his family to Coeur d'Allene, ID in 1904(1905?).  James was a timber cruiser (lumber estimator)  so he followed  the industry westward.  LtoR: Allegra Catherine (my mom), James Edward, Ellen (Nellie) Alexander O, Douglas James O, Gerald Alexander (in back), Elaine (sitting in Dad's lap).

At right-the O'Rouark women Allegra, Elaine, and Ellen standing (Nellie).  Below is an earlier picture of Nellie.


Here is a picture of the O'Rouark children: Allegra, Gerald and Douglas probably taken in 1906.

At right is the family, Ellen, Gerold, Douglas, and Allegra. James is not there.  Nellie appears to be pregnant with Elaine.

Below is James E.



Tintype of James E. O'Rouark, next to his bride Nellie.  She was 17 years old at the time. 


Another  tintype of Nellie taken when she was probably 16 or 17.  Looks like she was a beautiful woman.


John Fisher (1822-??) North Ireland, my great, great grandfather.  He looks to be about 35 which would date the tintype at 1855 or so.




Tintype of John Fisher with his wife, Margaret Wynn Fisher on left.  On right his sister, Phoebe Fisher Richardson. Phoebe lived to the age of 99.  Their daughter Catherine Fisher was born 1855.  I suspect the photo was taken around that time.