Here are just a few pictures of Dublin Castle.
There's a lot of blood and history bound up in this thing. It's a must
see if you are in Dublin.
Very near our hostel in Temple Bar was the
Ha'penny Bridge. The story goes that two Irishmen asked the gatekeeper
what the toll was and he said a half-penny. So one got on the other's
back and they both crossed the bridge for a half-penny.
Here is a view of temple lane from our hostel
room. The merriment went on sometimes until two in the morning.
We were there just after St. Patrick's day, and after Ireland had beaten
Wales in Rugby for the first time is 63 years--an
excellent time to make merry.
The second picture shows me in front of Temple Bar.
Here are two shots of the stainless steel Spire on O'Connell street. It is known by a variety of other names.
Graften Street is another place to go. It's the official turist trap of Dublin.
Cynthia got me my first hot towel shave in Temple Bar.
The Irish really like to keep things clean.